Send Reminder Emails to Campers Automatically
NetCamps makes it easy to communicate with your campers. In this post we’re going to take a closer look at our Confirmation Email system, which allows you to automatically send a series of confirmation and reminder emails to campers after they’ve signed up.
These email reminders are important for a number of reasons:
- Remind campers of any important details they need before the camp — not just once, but multiple times! Reminders can ensure they come prepared!
- You can use these emails to promote gear or accessories for sale (talk to us about how NetCamps can help set up a store).
- Increase word-of-mouth referral to your camps.
Best of all, once you set this system up, you’ll never have to touch it again. The emails send automatically and can be copied from camp to camp.
Here’s how it works:
1 ) Once logged in to your camp editing dashboard, click on step 5, “Confirmation Emails.”
2) To set-up a confirmation email — the email campers will receive once registration is complete — add your text to the paragraph field and click “Save Settings.”
3) To set up additional reminder emails (also known as Pre-Camp Emails), click “Add Another Email.”
4) Select the number of days before camp you want to send the email. We provide several options from the day before to 28 days out.
Then add your email text and click “Save Settings.”
5) To add even more emails, just repeat the process. Many camp organizers find somewhere between 2-4 Pre-Camp Emails result in better prepared, more informed campers.
It’s that simple! Of course, when you duplicate a camp, the emails duplicate too. So set it up once and shrink the number of emails you’re sending to campers to almost nothing.
If you need help, please contact us. We’re happy to help set your emails up or even provide templates to get you started.